Athlete, Coach and Officials Support Program
Nominations and Applications Now Open for recognition in the 2021-2022 Season!
Coaches (Professional members and those on contract with Sun Valley Co. year around) can nominate skaters for coach-nominated awards.
Junior, Parent, and Adult Home Club members can nominate for a NEW member nominated sportsmanship award.
Board Members can nominate for the skater and parent volunteer award.
Skaters, Officials, Coaches may apply for Education and Training awards for seminars or training attended.
Multiple awards will be given this year for each category!
Links to nominate or apply are below. Nominees and applicants must be Home Club Members.
Deadline for nominations and applications is Sunday, June 13, 2021.
Our program is comprised of five award categories which are listed below.
Coach Nominated Athlete Awards
Herman Maricich Award for Outstanding Achievement
Daisy Langley Award for Outstanding Achievement
Judianne Fotheringill Fuller Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship
Lolly Jensen Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship
Skaters selected from nominations receive awards of $175.
NEW -- Member Nominated Athlete Awards
To recognize a home club member for Outstanding Sportsmanship. home club members (Junior, Parent, or Adult) may nominate another home club member for the award.
Skaters selected from nominations receive awards of $175.
Education and Training Awards
Skaters, Coaches and Officials who are full home club members or full professional members can apply for education or training funds that occurred during the membership year. Four awards of $175 will be available this year.
Volunteerism Awards
To honor contributions to our skating community, the following awards are presented to a club skater and a club parent. Awards of $175. Board members may nominate.
Imogen Harris Award for Volunteerism​
Becca Hemingway Award for Volunteerism​
Athlete Achievement Awards
Skaters who qualified and competed at a National Final are eligible for $175+ awards
Excel​ National Festival Finals
National Solo Dance Finals
National Showcase Finals
Adult Nationals
Skaters who passed a Gold Level US Figure Skating Test are eligible for a US Figure Skating Gold Medalist jacket and embroidery
Skaters graduating from High School and attending college are awarded collegiate memberships
Note that awards granted and amounts distributed may vary from year to year, and there is maximum amount a club member may receive in awards each membership year.
Thank you to our Grant Committee for their time, expertise and thoughtful insight in developing this program!
If you would like to donate to our Athlete, Coach and Officials Support Program, contributions can be made online HERE or mailed to Sun Valley FSC, PO Box 351, Sun Valley, ID 83353. Sun Valley FSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Questions? Contact