Coach Nominated Athlete Awards
To recognize the dedication, hard work and sportsmanship of our athletes, our club provides the awards listed below at the end of each membership year.* Recipients receive $175 awards.
Because coaches are integral to athletes' training, testing, competing and observe interactions with coaches, skaters and staff, coaches are the most qualified to nominate skaters for these awards:
Coaches with Professional Membership with the club may nominate 1 skater per award.
Coaches on contract with Sun Valley Company Sept though May may nominate 1 skater per award.
Thus, coaches who fulfill both criteria above can nominate 2 skaters per award.
Nominations are due on May 15, 2022 at 11:59pm Mountain Time and are for achievement and training during July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 membership year.
*Note that awards granted and amounts distributed may vary from year to year. Typically, one award per category is provided if there is a qualified nominee.
Click HERE to see the criteria for each award. Questions? Contact

Herman Maricich Award for Outstanding Achievement
Awarded to a skater who displays the following attributes: hard work, positive attitude, achievement competitively or in testing and/or improvement in skating skills. Athlete must be a full home club member and test or compete at one of the following levels:​
Intermediate through Senior Freestyle
Pre-Silver and higher Pattern Dance
Intermediate and higher Free Dance/Combined
Herman Maricich was a long-time Sun Valley resident, nationally competitive skater and Director of Skating at Sun Valley from 1956 through 1989. He made the Sun Valley ice shows and the summer skating school famous as well as helped to start our club's Sun Valley Summer Championships.
Nominate for the Herman Maricich Award HERE

Daisy Langley Award for Outstanding Achievement
Awarded to a skater who displays the following attributes: hard work, positive attitude, achievement competitively or in testing and/or improvement in skating skills. Athlete must be a full home club member and test or compete at one of the following levels:​
Pre-preliminary through Juvenile Freestyle
Preliminary through Bronze Pattern Dance
Juvenile Free Dance/Combined
Daisy Langley is well known and loved in our Sun Valley skating community. Daisy has been in charge of costumes, finalizing the proper color palette and fitting for the costumes for the Sun Valley on Ice Shows and the Resort Holiday Ice Show for many years. She also served as our club president for several years.
Nominate for the Daisy Langley Award HERE

Judianne Fotheringill Fuller Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship
Awarded to a skater who displays the following attributes: hard work, positive attitude, support of other skaters, coaches and the club, respect of facility and staff. Athlete must be a full home club member and test or compete at one of the following levels:​
Intermediate through Senior Freestyle
Pre-Silver and higher Pattern Dance
Intermediate and higher Free Dance/Combined
Judianne Fotheringill Fuller was a national pairs champion and world competitor in the 1960s. Originally from Tacoma, WA, Judy and her brother trained in Colorado Springs while attending college. Judy settled in Sun Valley, becoming an integral part of our skating community and serving as president of our club.
Nominate for the Judianne Fotheringill Fuller Award HERE
Lolly Jensen Award for Outstanding Sportsmanship
Awarded to a skater who displays the following attributes: hard work, positive attitude, support of other skaters, coaches and the club, respect of facility and staff. Athlete must be a full home club member and test or compete at one of the following levels:​
Pre-preliminary through Juvenile Freestyle
Preliminary through Bronze Pattern Dance
Juvenile Free Dance/Combined
Lolly Jensen was an official for US Figure Skating for many years and a great supporter of our club, often serving as a judge at the Sun Valley Summer Championships. Lolly was known for encouraging younger skaters, as they made their way through tests and competitions.
Nominate for the Lolly Jensen Award HERE