Sun Valley Figure Skating Club &
US Figure Skating Code of Conduct
Members recognize that their participation in all activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by Sun Valley FSC including but not limited to competitions, exhibitions and training camps, is an honor and privilege that carries certain responsibilities. Members agree to fully abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by U.S. Figure Skating and the Sun Valley FSC or their properly designated agents. As a precondition to participation in activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by the Sun Valley FSC, members will adhere to the following tenets in good faith:
Members will exhibit the highest standards of fairness, ethical behavior and genuine good sportsmanship in all of their relations with others.
Members will not damage public or private property. Members understand that they may be held financially responsible for damage deemed to be wantonly or willfully executed on my part, and that members may be subject to disciplinary action by the Sun Valley FSC.
Members will adhere to the rules of U.S. Figure Skating and the Sun Valley FSC at all activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating and the Sun Valley FSC.
Members will conduct themselves in a manner not detrimental to the welfare of figure skating. Members understand that their actions reflect on U.S. Figure Skating and the club and the sport of figure skating both positively and negatively.
Any member participating in any Sun Valley FSC activities:
Must obey and abide by all US Figure Skating and Sun Valley FSC published rules, regulations, bylaws, and procedures.
Shall maintain exemplary standards of personal conduct.
Must obey all state, national and international laws.
Must not use alcohol, illegal drugs, performance enhancing drugs or substances, which could impair ability or judgment
Must refrain from using any profane or abusive language.
Must not engage in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct with any athlete.
Must support the athletes fairly and equitably.
Shall never discriminate against any athlete.
General Guidelines
All skaters must follow and uphold the tenets in this Skater Code of Conduct regarding behavior on and off the ice.
All club members are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and be courteous toward their fellow skaters, coaches, parents of skaters, U.S. Figure Skating officials and guests.
Any member making derogatory or negative remarks verbally or on social media about another member will be subject to disciplinary action by the club. This includes making statements about a member/coach/official or guest’s appearance, their skating ability, the person’s friends or family. Our club is committed to promoting a positive and friendly environment for all skaters.
Ice Etiquette and Safety
While in lesson or practice, it is the skater’s responsibility to always be conscientious and aware of other skaters around them.
Skaters must skate with the flow of other skaters and familiarize themselves with the most commonly used areas for jumps and spins.
The only time a skater has the SOLE right of way is when they are skating their program. When you hear another member’s music start to play and know they’re heading for the exact area you’re practicing in, please extend that person courtesy and move out of their path momentarily.
Advanced skaters are expected to exhibit patience toward newer beginner members of the club.
Unsafe or Discourteous Behavior
Unsafe or discourteous (loss of temper, inappropriate language, gestures or looks) behavior of any such kind will not be tolerated. Violations of any tenets of this Code of Conduct will be addressed in a timely manner depending upon the seriousness of the offense by a member of the club board of directors following the procedures outlined in the club bylaws conflict resolution and/or Violations of Codes of Conduct/SafeSport. Consequences will be commensurate with the offense and may include verbal/written reprimand or warning, removal from activity, termination of club membership, referral to authorities.
Violations of this Code
Violations of any tenets will be addressed at the time they occur by a member of the club Board of Directors.